@article{oai:akita-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000420, author = {草薙, 優加 and クサナギ, ユカ and Kusanagi, Yuka}, journal = {秋田県立大学総合科学研究彙報}, month = {}, note = {P(論文), This textbook analysis attempts to investigate how nonverbal communication is included as teaching components in EFL Intercultural communication textbooks for university students. Among the 17 textbooks I reviewed 11 textbooks refer to nonverbal communication. These 11 textbooks introduced various issues of nonverbal communication. The most commonly discussed element was kinesics followed by haptics, proxemics, chronemics, and objectics. The textbooks present both theoretical information and anecdotal information as learning resources that often take the form of short essays on the above issues together with deductive and inductive activities to promote nonverbal competence as sociolinguistic competence. The analysis also revealed that different views and approaches of intercultural literacy were observed among the textbooks. These findings suggest that language teachers should be aware of the embedded views in the textbooks when choosing and using them for seeking the most appropriate textbooks for the class they are teaching. Moreover, teachers should reflect on what cultural position they are taking.}, pages = {77--89}, title = {Analysis of English Textbooks : How Nonverbal Communication is Included in English Textbooks with Intercultural Topics}, volume = {9}, year = {2008} }